June 05, 2007

No, you cannot tell me "I told you so"

Okay so the whole write a novel in a month thing kind of came crashing down around me..... along with thanksgiving and finals. =) BUT I still want to write the story.

With no real motivation anymore it might not happen but that just means that I need people to bug me.
give me deadlines.
proof read things for me.
(once this term is over of course)

I need a sounding board to tell me that no you cannot put more than one Chuck Norris reference in your novel and yes it is okay to write more than dialouge.

anyway. did i mention that i'm at ccc with very little sleep and not enough caffiene?


David said...

I'm glad to see that you learned something from your class. ;)

Yes, I'm here to bug you. Starting next Tuesday anyway. Good you have some sort of summer thing going..

Why don't you post an outline by the end of next week?

David said...

Where's that outline? Your not going to write the whole thing on vacation are you?

We're waiting.. :)

What do you want me to do if you don't work on the novel at all?

David said...

Alright, so I won't rush you on writing the novel, but you SAID to bug you so I will at least...make promptings. For now, how about posting the outline?

Then I (and other good souls) can make suggestions. You also might want to try writing with a vault or some other form of caffeine if you need some help overcoming writer's block...