October 11, 2006

Count down to the 1st

I figured it out! It took me a whole day and afternoon but I finally figured out what nanowrimo means! Its the National Novel Writing Month! YAY!

I'm glad I figured that out now instead of noticing it half way through November. =)

'The Normal Life' is the working title of the novel I will be attempting to write entirley in the month of November. Check out how you can also join in on the wackiness. http://www.nanowrimo.org/

50,000 words.

175 pages.

and lots of sugar and caffiene.

I've already got my outline done! Okay so it's not a final outline but it's a place to start and at least now I can come up with characters.

-Normal life
-strange occurences
-on the run
-need to go public
*thinking through of needs
*attempt to find people to help
-going public
-sorting out new "normal" life
- ......... that would give it away

So to anyone else this probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense but hopefully it will once I write it. Or at least after I make a better outline. =)


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'll look forward to reading it.

Or will there be a charge?

Kelsey said...

No charge for you.. If I actually like what I write then I'll maybe sell copies on cafepress. *shrugs*

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to read it!

Don and Rae said...

Hey, you are off to a good start! You know me...I would actually buy it!!!


Anonymous said...

looks cool, Kels! just remember, you are one crazy chick!!!;-)